Monday, June 21, 2010

Business as Usual

So best friend Lenore came to visit me in my new home. By new home, I mean the place that I arrived roughly 12 hours before. I know little to nothing about Nice at this point, only Rick Steves has been kind enough to through some info on what to do and not do, and I don't really listen well anyway.
Lenore gracefully enters Nice, as a Queen would do so, returning to the land that she serves. As long as that queen still smells like booze and has party make up on from the night before. The three short days that I had with Lenore were exactly as expected; fattening and perfect. I miss her so much. After introducing two people who know way too much about me over lunch at Wayne's, an ex-pat bar, JJ, or Gigi as he is now referred to, accompanied us up the Chateau Mountain at the end of the beach. I feel like the word "mountain" should generally pertain to something that I cannot climb in my sandals. But I'm not French. Anyway, we had our obligatory pseudo-excercise for the day and took 10 pictures of the exact same thing from different levels, and then retired to the beach.
Now, I love the beach, I do, but I always seem to overestimate the kindness of the water. This is another way of saying that I got my ass kicked by waves. Badly. Lenore did too, in the snot-inducing and "oh holy shit where's my top" way. Adding insult to injury, the beach in Nice is made of what the Nicoise refer to as "pebbles," which is crap. They are evil, giant stabbing rocks. So, as you are trying to crawl to safety and salvage what's left of your dignity (everyone is watching of course) you have to walk on daggers. This may be an exaggeration, but they hurt.
We spent the rest of the day safely on our towels.
The next few days were spent drinking and eating and I think I remember being late to school. She cheered for Italy, I did not, she was introduced to Hoegaarden, and still thinks its funny. It is. Sharing a twin bed is not easy, probably why I spent a lot of time on the floor, but I would do it all again.
Having a friend that tells you when you are being a silly asshole is really important, especially when she is one too.